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Work from Home, artificial rain among pollution control strategies of Delhi govt

Delhi environment minister Gopal Rai announced on Thursday that the government is developing policies such as “work from home” as part of this year’s “Winter Action Plan” to address air pollution in the capital. According to news agency PTI, the Delhi government has consulted with environment experts and officials from various departments to gather their insights.
During the expert meeting, “artificial rain” was highlighted as a potential strategy for tackling air pollution in the winter months.
“These inputs will play a crucial role in crafting an effective Winter Action Plan,” the minister said. “The main suggestions in the expert meet included a change in the behaviour of people related to pollution, awareness campaigns should be run for this,” Rai added.
A review meeting is scheduled for September 5 to finalise and assign tasks for the Winter Action Plan.
– Environment minister Gopal Rai said that the recent meeting with environment experts and officials sought input on combating air pollution.
– Delhi’s Winter Action Plan for combating air pollution may feature work-from-home policies and awareness campaigns, as stated by Rai. Instead of implementing the odd-even scheme, the plan could promote work-from-home arrangements and introduce voluntary vehicle restrictions.
– Suggestions also include implementing voluntary vehicle restrictions, adjusting office hours, distributing heaters from CSR funds, encouraging electric vehicles in high pollution areas, and exploring artificial rain.
– Discussions also covered vehicular and dust pollution, pollution hotspots, green area development, stubble and garbage burning, and intergovernmental dialogue. Rai mentioned that these suggestions will be integrated into the action plan.
– The Delhi government plans to contact the Union environment minister to arrange a meeting with IIT-Kanpur and relevant departments to discuss biomass-burning solutions.
– Rai highlighted improvements in Delhi’s air quality, noting an increase from 110 ‘satisfactory’ days in 2016 to 206 days in 2023, despite increased construction and vehicle numbers. The new action plan aims to build on previous successes, with a focus on enhancing ‘good,’ ‘satisfactory,’ and ‘moderate’ air quality days.
– The plan will address 14 key areas, including dust and industrial pollution, vehicular emissions, stubble and garbage burning, increasing green cover, and public participation.
– Key proposals include artificial rain on severe pollution days and implementation of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP).
